How To Maintain Your Pool

It is highly expedient if you have a pool to know and understand how to care for and maintain it. Thorough and adequate pool care will make sure that your pool is clean and safe whenever you swim in it to avoid certain skin infections, diseases, and irritations. Cleaning your pool is something that must be done on a weekly basis but there are also some daily activities that would be done.

Here are some important steps to include in your pool maintenance routine.

  1. Daily remove dirt, leaves, and insects from the surface
  2. Clean algae that might have accumulated at the sides of the pool to prevent its spread.
  3. Ensure that the tools you use are also well kept and cleaned to avoid an accumulation of algae and other bacterial elements on it; so that you don’t use a dirty tool to make a pool clean.
  4. Make sure the pump, pump strainer, drain, and filter is always in good function, this helps chemicals work effectively and ensures that water is properly filtered.
  5. Run your pump long enough each day to make sure the water is properly filtered and each item in the circulation system is clean and in good condition.
  6. Test your pool water frequently and add chemicals as necessary, following professional instructions. This is typically done on a daily basis as the chemicals include various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers which work to control the growth of certain kinds of algae and bacteria in the pool water.