How To Engage Active Children

Having an active child brings an array of emotions from exciting to exhausting or frustrating in a parent. One minute they can be cute and cuddly and the next they could be trying to pull the flat screen television off the wall. You could try to distract them with cartoons, coloring, or games but it would only get their attention for a while. Parents juggle so much in a bid to give their kids the best and between work or business, events, and home care, most parents are left with little time for them.

Kids are full of curiosity and mischief, so they get bored of the same activity very quickly and are constantly looking for new challenges and this often leaves parents exasperated. Having an active child is not bad, it is in fact a very good thing, you just need to help them channel their energies in the right direction. Here are a few ways that you can do this.

1. Bring them to the Blue Waves Club:- We have a variety of fun activities they would enjoy, we can teach them to how to swim and if they grow to love it, they can join the Barracuda Squad, our swimming club. We also have a very conducive waiting area for parents who want to rest while their kids take lessons.
2. Be intentional about spending time with your child by doing things that they enjoy, that way, you bond with them and get to know them better.
3. Engage them in an activity that requires their absolute focus, for example, jigsaw puzzles, painting a picture, coloring a picture, etc.
4. Listen to your child, pay attention to what they are saying, it might sound like endless ramblings or a disconnected story but listen and comment. Have a whole conversation about why the cow jumped over the moon, both of you would have a good laugh and time.
5. Allow them to take part in the house chores and even send them on minor errands that you know they can handle.